
Welcome to the UNofficial blog for the Fiddlers of South Dakota and others who love to play and listen to acoustic Old-Time and Bluegrass Music.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

East River & Missouri Valley Bluegrass Association Jam in December

Don't forget about this music gathering down in Vermillion,  It's usually the second Sunday of the month.  This is their blurb about December's Jam. 

"Anyone is welcome.
Next jam is Sunday, December 8th
@ 1pm @ the Vermillion Art Center, 202 Washington Street, Vermillion, SD.
$4 facility charge or association membership for $20."

Trust me, spend the $20 right away  'cause you'll be going back for more. ( I did, even though it's 200 miles for me to get there. )

Here is the link to their info and email off their Craigslist posting.  Hope to see ya there

Monday, November 11, 2013

Music In Huron, SD on December 3rd, 2013

Check this out - It Could be Good
This is a low-res of the Poster
Follow the link to a High- Res Poster

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Music in Sisseton, SD

Had an enjoyable time playing in Sisseton, SD on Friday October, 25.  Seems they were a little short-handed at their monthly musical event, so they called up and asked me to if I could fiddle a few tunes with them. 

It proves what I have always said, "You don't have to be good, just available."  This was the last dance for the season.  They will get started up again in the Spring.

If nothing else go to see the murals on the wall, they are fantastic.  I took a shot of the Navy mural since my son is now in that branch of the service.  I will go back and take another picture during the day when the flash won't be necessary.

Hey Stan, this is for you!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jammin' at home

Had a pleasant surprise Wednesday.  David and Candace Payne stopped in on their way from Montana to Minnesota and we got to play a little bit of music.  Since Candace usually gets stuck playing bass and trying to keep everyone in line , she decided to grab my fiddle and play that for a bit of a change. Glad she did 'cause it sounded pretty good and I got to hear a few tunes I have been meaning to learn - Pirates Waltz and Black Hills Waltz.  Anyhow, fun for all.

 We even coaxed Harold Tribitt into coming over and playing and singing a couple songs for us.  Electrified instruments are not usually the norm for when when play, but he kept the volume level low and the enjoyment level high.  That's what really counts.

Candace, Dave and I played a little more the next morning before they headed out.  Can't wait to do it again when we have some more time.  By the way Dave, I did finally remember how Texas Gales goes.  It had been so long since I played it that I was completely blank when Dave called that tune.  Neither the mind nor the fingers were working. Next time, right.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Jammin' in Jamestown, ND

Completely forgot the jam in Jamestown, North Dakota held at the church in the frontier village back in early July.

If these nice BAND folks keep letting me come back I may figure out this bluegrass yet

More exciting things to do in the big city.

The Roslyn Wild Bunch

It's the Buffalo Ridge Bluegrass Band

My, don't we look a little ragged today.  We probably need to practice more than just our music.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Old-Time Banjo in the House

We were treated to a visit from another Montana musician this week.  Phil Schladweiler of Broken String Band fame stopped in for a visit on his way to and from Minnesota.  It is not often that a visit from a banjo player is an anticipated event, but this is one fine Old-Timey banjo player.

He does not sport that handlebar mustache for nothing folks, he is the real deal.  We do not get a chance to play music together that often any more so we had a good time sifting through the musty files of tunes we knew.  Come again any time Phil and we'll "Nail that Catfish" again.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Montana Eagle Ranch

Thank you to Bud Schleicher for working it out so that I could play with the "Old Gang" while I was in Montana.  They had a gig at the Montana eagle Ranch and graciously allowed me to come along for a mini reunion.  Charlie Alkiere, Doc Allison, Lenore Haws, Bud Schleicher, and myself played an afternoon concert for an enthusiastic group of guests at the ranch.  Plus we were treated to a wonderful supper and views that will take your breath away.

The big treat for me was playing music with the friends who got me started playing good old-time music.  They kept after me and patiently, very patiently taught me lots of great tunes and showed me how to fit in with a group of musicians.  Thanks again.  Every time I get to play with them it is a real treat. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Montana Fiddlers Picnic 2013

Oh what a good time was had by all in Livingston this year.

A Big THANK YOU to Doc Allison who provided us with his camper so that we could stay right at the Mercier Ranch and play music, music and more music.

This year the number of spectators seemed to be down a little, but the musicians showed up in force and a good time was certainly had by all.  If you want to check out the site for the picnic here is is a link to the Montana Fiddlers Picnic.

Our good friends Terry and Elsie from Sheridan Wyoming camped on one side of us and Lisa Barrett was on the other.  There was no shortage of good music.

Here is a picture of Kurt and Harold taking a break in the leanto on the east side of the barn.

I'll dig out some more pictures and get them up here as soon as I make some time.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Good Job Sailor

Just a break in the action to attend Stan's graduation from Navy Boot Camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, IL. 

We could not be prouder of our young man.


Isabelle, Stan, Penny, Ken

Thank you to all who serve.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bluegrass in Havana

Finally got a minute to get back to the computer and post a quick note about the latest exploits of the Buffalo Ridge Bluegrass Band.

Destination - Havana, North Dakota that is.

Population - 71

Occasion - all-class school reunion.

The gig started at 11:00 am which made it interesting for me since it is 90 minutes from my door to the band shell in the park  and I don't get done with church until 10:15. Most of you will recognize that it is extremely bad form for the preacher to announce that he needs to leave the service early to go play music - unless he is having an off day in the pulpit.  Then he would probably leave to a standing ovation.

Anyhow, they kicked it off without me and when I arrived promptly at 11:45, I immediately saw there was a small problem - I was overdressed for the occasion.  Short sleeves, and in Lannie's case shorts and short sleeves were what the gang was wearing.  I on the other hand had not had time to change from church where I had opted for long sleeves and a vest for the morning service.  AND IT WAS HOT !!  Thankfully the band was in the shade, a breeze was blowing and my shirt was very lightweight so I just jumped in and played for 15 minutes.  Then we took a break to eat a wonderful meal the folks had put together.

After dinner**  we played for another two hours and then called it quits for the afternoon.  Quite a good middle of the day. Most of the songs went fine - even the ones we didn't know.

** Up here dinner is the noon meal.  Lunch is in the middle of the morning or middle of the afternoon or what you eat between supper and bedtime.  On a good day you could have breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch, supper and lunch.  On an extremely good day you could even have fresh cinnamon rolls as a snack before breakfast and throw in a midnight snack before bed.  No wonder I can't lose weight.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Arnold & the Crucidoolers

July 7th got busy after church was out.  The bluegrass gang from Roslyn, SD was playing in Havana, ND - but that will be another post.  After that gig was finished, I drove home ( hour and a half trip ), swapped out the car for the van, picked up my lovely wife Penny, added my Guitar to the mix of instruments I was carrying and we were off to the next musical engagement.  A quick stop in Watertown for some chips and other provisions and we were soon headed south on I 29.

But we need some other passengers to complete the group so we stopped at Arnold and Helen Johnson's place to add them to the mix.  He's only 91 and she is 85, but both are fine musicians and more importantly - good people.  If Arnold is in the car, you will never lack for conversation.

We soon arrived at Jerry and Nancy Anderson's place and got everyone and everything unloaded safely.  Helen, Arnold and I started playing some music ASAP.  Jerry was grilling while Nancy and Penny were getting everything ready so we could eat and then go back to playing some more music.

It was the first time we had all gotten together since winter ended so we had a little rust to shake off.  Arnold was playing some beautiful old tunes that I had never heard.  Thankfully Helen was helping me with the keys and chords, so I survived the first session.

Jerry finished the grilling and we had a wonderful meal.

Then we played some more music - round 2.  Helen on guitar, Penny on piano, me on mandolin and Jerry and Arnold on fiddle.  Sounded pretty good except Arnold was just not satisfied with his playing.  He kept muttering something about "crucidoolers".  "Can't get those crucidoolers right"  Penny finally had to ask him what in the world a crucidooler was.  "O", Arnold said, "that's just a word I made up for the fancy ornamentation in these fiddle tunes." 

I love the sound of that word - crucidooler especially with Arnold's Norwegian accent.

We didn't get Arnold and Helen home until 10:45.  When I mentioned that they shouldn't be keeping me out so late, Helen's voice piped up quietly from the back seat, "You called us I believe."   What a great time.

Now, if you will excuse me I need to go learn "Mother's Waltz"

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wunnerful, Wunnerful

Ok, I grew up watching Lawrence Welk on TV.  I even visited the home place in Strasburg, ND before it was restored and made into a small tourist attraction.  So I suppose that it is only fitting that I traveled to Roslyn, SD on Saturday (June 22) to play music.  No, not that kind of music.  Wes and the crew at the Creamery were having their first Bluegrass Jam and invited me to come and sit in with the band.  I guess that once again proves, "you don't have to be good, just available" to play music.

The connection to Lawrence Welk is of course Myron Floren.  Roslyn proudly boasts of being the birthplace of that great accordion player.  And sure enough, when you come into town there is the sign. 

More on this jam when I get the photos of the gang that was playing. Let's just say that we will definitely do it again.  Oh and by the way we did have an accordion player show up to play.  It had nothing to do with bluegrass, but it was fitting.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Love A Parade

Musicians pictures are not all that interesting to look at, so we won't show you shots of the Fiddlers of South Dakota from the Tabor Czech Days' Parade.  But check out these two pictures from the parade.  That first one is definitely NOT what it looks like riding a bull at Vegas during the National Finals Rodeo.  I guarantee that nobody messed with this guy or his ride.

This second picture is cool too. Horses in a parade - been there done that.  But stripes coming down the parade route - now we're talking.  That's something that you don't expect to see in South Dakota. 

While we were in Tabor, they had some nasty weather back in South Shore but except for some wind the ride home was long but uneventful. 

Don't forget to come see the Fiddlers of
SD as well as all the rest of the musicians at the 41st Annual SD Fiddle Contest in Yankton, South Dakota on September 20,21,22.

When  I get some pictures of us from the parade I'll post those also.

Thanks Bill Chase for the use of the pickup and thanks to those musicians who showed up to play in the parade.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Montana Fiddle Camp

Just returned from Montana Fiddle Camp in Monarch, MT.  What a blast !
Thank you to Fred Buckley for having me back for another year.  I got paid to go and call dances after the evening concert was over and I got to take whatever classes I want to.  It does not get any better than that.
The only problem was that I could not be more than one place at a time.  With so many great instructors, it was hard to choose.  Sandy James, Barbara Lamb, 'Chirps' Smith and then Byron Berline - and that's just on the fiddle side of things.

Thankfully, I had brought more than one digital recorder along with me, so I cheated and sent a couple of my digital recorders along with some of the students that were in different
 classes so I wouldn't miss anything.

 Oh yeah there were banjos - yup that's plural.  And they were working together.  It's a wonder anyone got out alive.

93rd Birthday in Big Timber

Ben Riceland celebrated his 93rd birthday in Big Timber, Montana on Saturday the 8th of June.
Since we were traveling through we stopped and played a little music with the usual cast of characters.  Doc, Bud, Lenore, Charlie and I went outside and had a little jam to warm up before we hit the stage for our turn.  Good thing we did 'cause I was a bit rusty on their tunes.

Got to see a lot of folks that we knew and played and listened to a lot of good old tunes.

Even John Hoiland showed up
He still needs to keep his beard for a few more photo shoots.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

David Davis & The Warrior River Boys




Jon Hittle (JB)

Vermillion, SD - Bluegrass Jam

WHAT:    Open Bluegrass Jam
WHO:       Musicians all levels, professional to novice
WHEN:    Sunday, 9 June, 1pm-6pm
WHERE:  Washington St. Arts Center, 202 N. Washington Street, Vermillion   

                  (outdoors in nice weather)

Sponsored by The East River & Missouri Valley Bluegrass Music Association


1 year association membership is $20
Casual, drop-in pickers pay $4 at the door.




Jon Hittle (JB)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Picking on the Porch

Finally had a good to day to play some music outside on the deck.  If you have never been on that deck it is big enough and sturdy enough to hold an entire band and have room to hold a square dance.  Just two of us today however.

Jerry Anderson came up from Volga, SD with his fiddle and we spent a most enjoyable afternoon playing some tunes. Maple Sugar, Echos of the Ozarks and some twin fiddling on Black Velvet Waltz were just some of the tunes we went through.  It gave me a chance to not only grab my mandolin, but to pick up my guitar and practice my "4 chords and a capo" method of guitar backup.

We even tried a few tunes we didn't know, just to make it more exciting but we won't talk about those until we have them ready to trot out into public.

Jerry even tried out a little chording on his fiddle and survived the experience.   We used Possum up a Gum Stump for that since that is one tune that Jerry was learning.  His book of tablature had some licks in it that worked for rudimentary chords and once he saw what was going on and how it the notes related to the chords, away he went.  Now the poor guy has some music theory and chords that he has to worry about keeping straight for backup as well as just playing the tunes.

Thank you to my lovely wife Penny and daughter Isabelle (also lovely) for supper and fresh banana bread and for snapping a picture of the two musicaholics. And yes I am to lazy to even take off the tie after church although you will notice that I did untuck the shirt.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sioux Falls - Old Style

I love it when I am the youngest musician in the room by at least 20 years.  I could just sit back and listen to the music and the stories for hours on end.

Thursday May 23 I was in Sioux Falls to help get some of our athletes ready for the state track meet.  Since I did not have to be at Howard Wood Stadium until 4:00 that afternoon, I took advantage of a standing invitation to crash a jam whenever I was in town on a Thursday.  George Mallory led me around the back streets of town.  He tried to lose me on several occasions, but I hung in there and after several close calls with yellow (red) lights we arrived at our destination.

The music was great - the good old stuff that is older than I am. The music that you just cannot hear anymore unless you are at the right place at the right time.  This was both the right place and the right time and more importantly, the right people.  Occasionally we had to dust off a tune, reset and go again, but it is always worth it when it comes together.  My only regret is that I did NOT have my digital recorder with me, but I can still hear it in my mind and that is what it is all about.

Getting invited to play with a group of old friends, playing great old tunes on vintage instruments with seasoned voices - absolutely priceless.

All too soon I had to head over to the track - but you bet I will be back to play again.

Acoustic Bluegrass Jam

 Saturday June 22,2013 7:00 pm

Rosyln Creamery
Roslyn, South Dakota
Bluegrass Music Jamboree
 Sponsored by
Buffalo Ridge Bluegrass Band

Food, Music, Jamming 
for more info contact Sharon or Wes
605-486-4757 or 605-290-3061

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

South Shore - Hee Haw - Be There

You know spring is here when the good folks of South Shore, SD put on their annual Hee Haw show.  That's right, a take off on TV's Hee Haw show with some hilarious South Dakota twists and lots of local involvement.  If you have never been there you need to go.  Cornfield jokes galore, skits, music, singing and of course the occasional comedic mishap.  And lunch, they have lunch, great lunch. 

It's held on Saturday, April 6th at 7:00 pm and Sunday, April 7th at 2:00 pm at the old South Shore School - now renamed "Comet Place".  Reserve tickets are 12 bucks. General admission tickets are $10 and can be purchased at:

All South Shore Businesses
McFleeg Seeds/Midwest Medical
Linda’s in Milbank
Rufer’s General Store
1st Bank and Trust of Milbank
and Stockholm
LaBolt Mini-Mall
Coffee Cup/Waverly Steakhouse

All the proceeds go toward community projects in the South Shore area.  If you have questions or want more information call them at 605-756-4247.

SD Old Time Fiddlers Jam

The SD Old Time Fiddlers will be having a Jam at the Royal Fork in Sioux Falls, SD on April 6th at noon.  Bring your instruments and lets have some fun, shall we.  Always a good time with this group of musicians.  They must be about to kick off the 2013 musical season.  I wonder what tunes  they have been working on over the winter?  If you need some great music at your next event, make sure you contact this fine organization - you'll love 'em.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wyoming Friends

Our good friends Terry and Elsie Peters (They are on the far right and left in the picture above.)  from Sheridan, Wyoming stopped in on their way to Wisconsin.    Since they brought along their instruments, we invited over a couple other musicians and we all played some mighty fine music.  Jerry Anderson (fiddle) came up from Volga, SD along with his wife Nancy and Harold Tribitt (guitar and vocals) from Revillo, SD and his wife Pat filled out the group. Penny even provided some rhythm for us on the piano.
Terry has been working on his mandolin chording and also working on playing some chords to his singing. This session gave him a good chance to put his new found skills to the test in a friendly environment.  He did a great job.
Elsie has picked up the guitar again after letting it collect dust for a few years and she too did an excellent job.  However, she did have to remind Terry that she can't play the guitar and the fiddle simultaneously.
Jerry's fiddling is really coming along nicely.  The more he plays, the more confident he gets.  The more confident he gets, the more he plays.  Practice/playing will do that to you.  Now I have to get down the harmony parts to a couple of tunes he does so that we can trot them out in public this summer.
Harold just loves playing his guitar(s).  There is just no other way to put it.  He has some great old songs that he sings and plays well.  And to top it off, he's game to dive right into some of those wild fiddle tunes that we throw out where the chords just fly by.
As usual, the afternoon went by way too fast.  Since the weather was deteriorating, we ate quickly and then the Tribitts' and Andersons' headed home.  And those of us that were left played some more music.

Jam at the Corner Bar

Terry O'Keefe called to invite me to play some music down at the corner bar on Saturday.  He said it was time to dust off the guitars and exercise the vocal chords a bit in preparation for some summer picking out on the deck. He said that Scott Johanson and Kevin Owen were going to stop on in and play a bit too.
I brought my mandolin down and away we went.  I had to work to stay with Kevin and Scott on some of their stuff.  Only got lost here and there.  Scott knows and uses way too many chords for a simple guy like me, but it turned out pretty good.  If nothing else it is always a good thing to get moved out of your comfort zone and stretch out a little.  And playing music with friends is always a good time.
Looking forward to doing some more playing with them this summer.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Kaylor, SD Opry 2013 Kickoff

"Well of course I'll go." I told George Mallory.  He had called up to ask if I would be willing to travel to Kaylor, SD for a performance of the SD Old Time Fiddlers on the 1st of March.  It turned into quite the adventure.

Loaded up the van with a guitar, fiddle and a mandolin.  Left home at 2:00 in the afternoon. Traveled south on Interstate 29, made a quick stop to pick up Helen & Arnold Johnson, a second guitar,another fiddle and a picnic lunch.  Back on the road. Next stop was in Madison, SD to pick up Lyle Johnson, Joel Brick, two more fiddles and a harmonica.  

Back on the road, the picnic lunch was soon devoured and the spam sandwiches, cookies and Mountain Dew are pronounced to be quite good - as are the stories floating around the van.  Especially the stories.

We turned west near the "Turkey Ridge" radio towers went through a few nice little towns, over the James River, found the turn to Kaylor and we were at the old church which is now the Germans from Russia Heritage Hall by 6:30.  George and company had just finished setting up the equipment when we got there - talk about good timing.

Wilber Foss, the guest of honor, arrived soon afterward and the party got started.

The audience numbered just under 100 enthusiastic folks of all ages who joined in by singing, clapping, cheering and even doing a bit of dancing.  All too soon the evening of music with our new friends came to an end.

Thanks to the good folks of Kaylor for hosting a wonderful party and to all the musicians who made it memorable.
 Earling, Lyle, George, Kathryn, Joel, Gene, Ken, Ron, Jerry 
Arnold, Helen, Wilber

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bluegrass Music in Vermillion, SD

It's a long name to be sure - but don't let that scare you off.   The folks are friendly, the music is good.  But leave the amps, accordions and drums home - it's Bluegrass.

It was just a little 200 mile drive down to Vermillion, so why not.  There was also a fiddle that Ron G. had brought back from Montana that I needed to pick up.  It would make for a wonderful Sunday afternoon drive.

There were two different jams going when I arrived at the Washington Street Arts Center so I wandered around and checked it out.  The jam upstairs had plenty of pickers and singers so I opted to join the slow jam downstairs - I need all the help I can get since bluegrass is not my native language by any means.  Ron was down there playing bass with some of his friends and playing with him is always a good time.

Fiddled for a bit and everyone helped some younger players work through the chords to some songs.   As usual, folks drifted in and out and an entertaining afternoon was had by all.  As the beginners were leaving, we kicked up our heels for a few tunes.  Ron and his group handed me a mandolin and invited me to join them for a little practice session, which was quite nice.

Then we headed upstairs to see what was happening there.  Took a few breaks, listened to a few stories, found a passable version of "The Gold Rush" hiding in my fingers, collected my other fiddle and happily headed for home.

Thanks Ron for inviting me and thanks to Jon Hittle (JB) and Alan for hosting a great jam.  Second Sunday of the month 1-6 at the Washington Street Arts Center in Vermillion, SD.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Groundhog Day 2013

Groundhog Day 2013 will be here soon!

Make your plans soon to come to the SD Old TIme Fiddlers Groundhog Day celebration at the Royal Fork in Sioux Falls, SD on February 2nd.  No, we won't have Phil of Gobbler's Knob in attendance ( unless he's on the buffet menu ). What we will have are some mighty fine musicians fiddling, picking and singing many of your favorite Old Time Tunes.  As always, it promises to be a gala affair. Grab your ACOUSTIC instruments, bring some friends and join in the fun.  Suit, tie and top hat are optional.

While Punxsutawney Phil will leave his burrow at 7:20am Eastern Time, we won't be getting together quite that early.  We plan on gathering about noon to eat, and eat, and..., but we should be jamming by 1:00.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Broken String Band

Kneeling - Dave Mogkan, Reeves Petroff
Gerry Bishop, Hallie Rugheimer, Nancy Padilla, Phil Schladweiler, Mary Petroff 

Just received an email about some friends playing at the Wilsall Montana Dance Hall.

Phil was out to visit last summer (2012).  He plays an excellent old time banjo style.  We sat out on the deck and had a great time picking tunes.
Gerry is the ONLY drummer that was actually invited and encouraged to come to our jams when we were in Montana.
Hallie (on keyboard) has kept the Broken String Band of Bozeman, MT rolling for over 25 years.
Nancy - Fiddler - none better and a great instructor as well.
Revees plays guitar and is a master of the Resonator guitar (Dobro).
Mary will keep the band in time on that bass
Dave calls Contra Dances and everyone definitely has fun when he is in the room.

We will have to get some fiddlers and friends together and do a contra dance sometime.  It is a great time.

On the Wilsall Montana Dance Hall website, there are photos of a lot of musical friends including some of my old band - The Pretty Good String Band as well.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Snow Mobile Musicians

What do snowmobilers and fiddlers have in common?
Both like to play.
Both like their instruments properly tuned up.

Jerry Anderson was kind enough to invite Stan Nelson down to his place to do a little riding on Sunday.  The only catch was that Stan had to bring along his dad Ken and everyone would have to play a little music afterwards.  That was a no-brainer.  After a fine time of ripping around in the snow, Stan brought out the bass, Ken broke out his mandolin and fiddle, Jerry tuned up his fiddle and another fine time was had by all. 

Saturday Afternoon Music

Good time, good group of musicians and friends and wonderful music.  That starts to sum up Saturday afternoon at the Golden Corral in Sioux Falls, SD where the South Dakota Old Time Fiddlers gathered to do some jamming.  The sound of fiddles and other instruments filled the air for almost 4 hours as good friends got together to reminisce about last season and make plans for the 2013 season.  Arnold and Helen Johnson even got to meet up with their niece while they were in town. 

Make plans now to listen to this group during their 2013 tour of South Dakota,Minnesota and Nebraska.  They are working on new tunes and polishing up old favorites - should be fun.

Rumor has it that they will be back at the Golden Corral the first Saturday in February.  Dust off your guitar, fiddle or mandolin and come join in.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Eve Music

I have to give a thank you to the musicians who helped out with the Christmas Eve music at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in South Shore, SD.  Ken, Penny, Isabelle, and Stan Nelson along with Harold Tribitt worked out nice arrangements of some of the congregation's favorite Christmas Carols.  This little group put in lots of practice time during December and it really showed on Christmas Eve.  Penny was on piano, Isabelle and Ken played fiddle, Stan did the honors on bass and Harold rounded it out on his 12 string guitar.  Lots of good comments on the sound.  If you want some simple arrangements of some Christmas favorites, let me know.  For right now I just have notation and the chords - in fiddle friendly keys.