
Welcome to the UNofficial blog for the Fiddlers of South Dakota and others who love to play and listen to acoustic Old-Time and Bluegrass Music.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bluegrass in Havana

Finally got a minute to get back to the computer and post a quick note about the latest exploits of the Buffalo Ridge Bluegrass Band.

Destination - Havana, North Dakota that is.

Population - 71

Occasion - all-class school reunion.

The gig started at 11:00 am which made it interesting for me since it is 90 minutes from my door to the band shell in the park  and I don't get done with church until 10:15. Most of you will recognize that it is extremely bad form for the preacher to announce that he needs to leave the service early to go play music - unless he is having an off day in the pulpit.  Then he would probably leave to a standing ovation.

Anyhow, they kicked it off without me and when I arrived promptly at 11:45, I immediately saw there was a small problem - I was overdressed for the occasion.  Short sleeves, and in Lannie's case shorts and short sleeves were what the gang was wearing.  I on the other hand had not had time to change from church where I had opted for long sleeves and a vest for the morning service.  AND IT WAS HOT !!  Thankfully the band was in the shade, a breeze was blowing and my shirt was very lightweight so I just jumped in and played for 15 minutes.  Then we took a break to eat a wonderful meal the folks had put together.

After dinner**  we played for another two hours and then called it quits for the afternoon.  Quite a good middle of the day. Most of the songs went fine - even the ones we didn't know.

** Up here dinner is the noon meal.  Lunch is in the middle of the morning or middle of the afternoon or what you eat between supper and bedtime.  On a good day you could have breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch, supper and lunch.  On an extremely good day you could even have fresh cinnamon rolls as a snack before breakfast and throw in a midnight snack before bed.  No wonder I can't lose weight.

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