
Welcome to the UNofficial blog for the Fiddlers of South Dakota and others who love to play and listen to acoustic Old-Time and Bluegrass Music.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Good Job Sailor

Just a break in the action to attend Stan's graduation from Navy Boot Camp at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, IL. 

We could not be prouder of our young man.


Isabelle, Stan, Penny, Ken

Thank you to all who serve.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bluegrass in Havana

Finally got a minute to get back to the computer and post a quick note about the latest exploits of the Buffalo Ridge Bluegrass Band.

Destination - Havana, North Dakota that is.

Population - 71

Occasion - all-class school reunion.

The gig started at 11:00 am which made it interesting for me since it is 90 minutes from my door to the band shell in the park  and I don't get done with church until 10:15. Most of you will recognize that it is extremely bad form for the preacher to announce that he needs to leave the service early to go play music - unless he is having an off day in the pulpit.  Then he would probably leave to a standing ovation.

Anyhow, they kicked it off without me and when I arrived promptly at 11:45, I immediately saw there was a small problem - I was overdressed for the occasion.  Short sleeves, and in Lannie's case shorts and short sleeves were what the gang was wearing.  I on the other hand had not had time to change from church where I had opted for long sleeves and a vest for the morning service.  AND IT WAS HOT !!  Thankfully the band was in the shade, a breeze was blowing and my shirt was very lightweight so I just jumped in and played for 15 minutes.  Then we took a break to eat a wonderful meal the folks had put together.

After dinner**  we played for another two hours and then called it quits for the afternoon.  Quite a good middle of the day. Most of the songs went fine - even the ones we didn't know.

** Up here dinner is the noon meal.  Lunch is in the middle of the morning or middle of the afternoon or what you eat between supper and bedtime.  On a good day you could have breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch, supper and lunch.  On an extremely good day you could even have fresh cinnamon rolls as a snack before breakfast and throw in a midnight snack before bed.  No wonder I can't lose weight.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Arnold & the Crucidoolers

July 7th got busy after church was out.  The bluegrass gang from Roslyn, SD was playing in Havana, ND - but that will be another post.  After that gig was finished, I drove home ( hour and a half trip ), swapped out the car for the van, picked up my lovely wife Penny, added my Guitar to the mix of instruments I was carrying and we were off to the next musical engagement.  A quick stop in Watertown for some chips and other provisions and we were soon headed south on I 29.

But we need some other passengers to complete the group so we stopped at Arnold and Helen Johnson's place to add them to the mix.  He's only 91 and she is 85, but both are fine musicians and more importantly - good people.  If Arnold is in the car, you will never lack for conversation.

We soon arrived at Jerry and Nancy Anderson's place and got everyone and everything unloaded safely.  Helen, Arnold and I started playing some music ASAP.  Jerry was grilling while Nancy and Penny were getting everything ready so we could eat and then go back to playing some more music.

It was the first time we had all gotten together since winter ended so we had a little rust to shake off.  Arnold was playing some beautiful old tunes that I had never heard.  Thankfully Helen was helping me with the keys and chords, so I survived the first session.

Jerry finished the grilling and we had a wonderful meal.

Then we played some more music - round 2.  Helen on guitar, Penny on piano, me on mandolin and Jerry and Arnold on fiddle.  Sounded pretty good except Arnold was just not satisfied with his playing.  He kept muttering something about "crucidoolers".  "Can't get those crucidoolers right"  Penny finally had to ask him what in the world a crucidooler was.  "O", Arnold said, "that's just a word I made up for the fancy ornamentation in these fiddle tunes." 

I love the sound of that word - crucidooler especially with Arnold's Norwegian accent.

We didn't get Arnold and Helen home until 10:45.  When I mentioned that they shouldn't be keeping me out so late, Helen's voice piped up quietly from the back seat, "You called us I believe."   What a great time.

Now, if you will excuse me I need to go learn "Mother's Waltz"