Thursday May 23 I was in Sioux Falls to help get some of our athletes ready for the state track meet. Since I did not have to be at Howard Wood Stadium until 4:00 that afternoon, I took advantage of a standing invitation to crash a jam whenever I was in town on a Thursday. George Mallory led me around the back streets of town. He tried to lose me on several occasions, but I hung in there and after several close calls with yellow (red) lights we arrived at our destination.
The music was great - the good old stuff that is older than I am. The music that you just cannot hear anymore unless you are at the right place at the right time. This was both the right place and the right time and more importantly, the right people. Occasionally we had to dust off a tune, reset and go again, but it is always worth it when it comes together. My only regret is that I did NOT have my digital recorder with me, but I can still hear it in my mind and that is what it is all about.
Getting invited to play with a group of old friends, playing great old tunes on vintage instruments with seasoned voices - absolutely priceless.
All too soon I had to head over to the track - but you bet I will be back to play again.